Friday, December 9, 2011

3 Methods to Convert PowerPoint to Word

ppt to doc
I found many users who asking how to copy text from PowerPoint files to Word documents these days. Today, I list 3 methods to convert ppt to doc for you. They are all free and easy to operate by following the steps below.

You can also find the useful ways to convert PowerPoint for Mac to Word and convert PowerPoint 2013 to Word.

Method 1: Save PowerPoint Outline in Word (Office 2010/Office 2007)

  • Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  • If you look at the Outline of the PowerPoint, you can view all the text contents excluding the text which are in the Text Box.
powerpoint outline

  • Click Office Button and click Save As. From the Save as type, choose Outline/RTF.

powerpoint save as outline/rtf

  • When you view the output file in Word, you can view all the text contents.
text in word

Method 2: Send to Word

Converting PowerPoint 2010 to a Word Document
  • Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Select File > Save & Send > Create Handouts > Create Handouts
powerpoint create handouts
This will open Send To Microsoft Word window with different options like Note next to slides, Blank lines next to slides, Notes below slides, Blank lines below slides and Outline only. Except for outline only format, it will reproduce the slide within the Word.
microsoft powerpoint 2010 send to word

Converting PowerPoint 2007 to a Word Document
  • Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Click on the Office button > Publish > Create Handouts in Microsoft Word
microsoft powerpoint 2007 send to word
Convert PowerPoint 2003 to a Word Document
  • Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Choose File > Send to > Microsoft Office Word
Convert PowerPoint 2000 (and earlier) to a Word Document
  • Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Choose File > Send to > Microsoft Word
microsoft powerpoint 2003/3000 send to word

Method 3: Export all Text in PowerPoint Slide including Text in Text Box

First save the PowerPoint as PDF and then use Save as Text option from PDF. This will help you to get all the texts from a PowerPoint but usually this option gets you the text in unformatted way.

pdf to doc

Convert PowerPoint to Word in Microsoft Office for Mac: 


  1. Hi thanks for the tip really handy. Am using office 2010 and am using method 2, trying to send my ppt document word but am getting an error stating 'powerpoint couldn't write to microsoft word'. What could be the problem?

    1. Which step did you stop at, "create handouts"? Didn't you find it or just you were not allowed to click it? I tried this way again, and it went normally.

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    3. You can download the trial version for online convert ppt into pdf from our website. Trial version will have certain limitations in terms of online convert ppt into pdf on

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. How to correct the problem "PowerPoint couldn't write to Microsoft Word"

      Very frequently, the reason the handout export crashes is because the temporary file folders for PowerPoint and/or Word are full. You can clear those temp folders by doing the following:

      1. If either Word or PowerPoint is already running, exit them.
      2. Open a command prompt as the user, then enter the following commands (note the quotes are wrong in this post, so don’t cut and paste these commands)
      3. CD "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.MSO"
      a. ERASE *.* (make sure you're in the correct directory and if so, select "Y" to continue)
      b. FOR /f %s in ('dir /b/a') do rd /s/q %s
      4. CD "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word"
      a. ERASE *.* (make sure you’re in the correct directory and if so, select "Y" to continue)
      b. FOR /f %s in ('dir /b/a') do rd /s/q %s

      Now start up PowerPoint and try the export again. It should work this time.

      Note that you might be able to use Windows Explorer to empty the folders; I'm a command line guy so that's how I personally do it.

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  2. Thanks for the post.. really helped me get out of a mess.. God bless u alot

  3. Hi, I need the same but I wish images there? Thanks for your reply

    1. I meant images from slides:) thx

    2. So you mean copy the inserted images in PowerPoint to a new Word document, with the text?
      Well, there are two solutions I know, which may be helpful.
      1. save the powerpoint slide as an image and insert it into word document.
      2. insert the original image file into word document, keeping the same order in PowerPoint document.

    3. Ok I want to know how to convert powerpoint slides to pdf file directly then I got how to convert powerpoint slides to pdf file some useful instruction and to convert powerpoint slides to pdf file is not easy then you solve the problem for us. But I found this tool named, it seems very functional.

    4. Ok I want to know how to convert powerpoint slides to pdf file directly then I got how to convert powerpoint slides to pdf file some useful instruction and to convert powerpoint slides to pdf file is not easy then you solve the problem for us. But I found this tool named, it seems very functional.

    5. The first and easiest way for converting powerpoint to pdf handout online is to use the

  4. hi,i tried method number two but they only convert slide 1 and not the!!!!

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