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Compatibe Audio File Formats For PowerPoint 2007
AIFF Audio file | .aiff | AU Audio file | .au |
MIDI file | .mid or .midi | MP3 Audio file | .mp3 |
Windows Audio file | .wav | Windows Media Audio file | .wma |
How to insert, play, and modify sounds in PowerPoint 2007?
You can insert the following types of sounds on slides:
1. Audio files. You can insert an audio file by clicking the Sound button in the Media Clips group on the Insert tab, and then selecting the file.
2. Sound clips. The sound clips that ship with PowerPoint 2007 include applause and a ringing telephone. You insert a sound clip by clicking the Sound arrow in the Media Clips group on the Insert tab, and then clicking Sound From Clip Organizer to display the Clip Art task pane, where you select the sound you want. If you are connected to the Internet, clicking the Clip Art On Office Online link in the task pane takes you to the Clip Art and Media page of the Office Online Web site, from which you can download hundreds of clip art images, photos, sounds, and videos.
3. CD audio tracks. You can insert music tracks or other audio tracks from a CD into a slide. After inserting the CD in your CD-ROM drive, you click the Sound arrow in the Media Clips group and then click Play CD Audio Track to display the Insert CD Audio dialog box. You then enter the starting and ending track numbers. You can specify that the selection be repeated, and you can set the volume. To play the tracks during a slide show, the CD must be in the CD-ROM drive.
4. Recorded sounds. You can record a sound or narration and attach it to a slide, all from within PowerPoint.
While inserting a sound, you can specify whether it should play automatically when the slide containing it appears or only when you click its icon. The sound object appears on the slide represented by an icon indicating the type of sound. You can change the appearance and size of the icon and move it to meet your needs.
When the sound object is selected, PowerPoint adds Format and Options contextual tabs to the Ribbon. You can format the icon representing the sound in much the same way that you would format a picture. You can adjust its size, position, and volume; specify whether the icon is displayed on the slide; and specify how the sound is activated.
To play a sound, you must have a sound card and speakers installed. In Normal view, you can test the sound associated with a particular slide by double-clicking the sound icon, or by selecting the icon and clicking the Preview button in the Play group on the Options contextual tab. In Slide Show view, the sound plays either automatically or when you click its icon, depending on your specifications.
Set the music as the background music for the PowerPoint
Please refer to this article: How to Set Background Music for a PowerPoint File?
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